On 2015-10-03 at 20:23, Crissy Lynn wrote:
> Please! For the 600th time! REMOVE ME FROM THIS MAILING LIST!

If you knew how to subscribe, you should know how to unsubscribe, because:

1) If you told on this mailing list to be unsubscribed for the 600th
time, then someone told you how to unsubscribe for at least a 300th time.
2) If you are subscribed here, then you used a method to subscribe
yourself be it a) via website or b) via e-mail. And to unsusbcribe,
obviously, you use either of those methods as well.

For method a): Just go to the website[1] again (the URL is on everyone's
email tail). Then on the bottom, fill the form (one text box with the
sentence "Unsubscribe or Edit"), and click the "Unsusbcribe" button.

For method b): Just send an email to <gnupg-users-requ...@gnupg.org>
with "unsubscribe" as the subject or body[2].

No matter which method you used, just follow the instructions after that.

If you are not getting unsubscribed then either a) you didn't do all
steps, b) you did something wrong in any of the steps or c) you are
subscribed with another email.

[1]: <http://lists.gnupg.org/mailman/listinfo/gnupg-users>
[2]: <mailto:gnupg-users-requ...@gnupg.org?subject=unsubscribe>

Juan Miguel Navarro Martínez

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BC58 88E2 947F 9BC6 B3CF

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