On Tue,  3 Mar 2015 14:29, h...@guardianproject.info said:

> It is actually more difficult to wrap GPGME in Java than to have just
> rewritten GPGME in Java.  GPGME is a fine API for C/C++, it is a bad

Sorry, but that is not your problem.  The problem on Android seems to be
that it is not easy to install anything else than plain Java apps.

We have GPGME bindings for all kind of languages from Ada over Java to
Scheme.  Thus I can't see the problem - need another kind of data object
to be handled in GPGME?  No problem, it can easily be done.  Is the
event loop the problem?  That is somewhat harder to get right but that
is always the case if you use a library.

I don't really understand your complaints given that we worked together
to port GnuPG to Android.  GPGME is just a small thing on top of it and
way easier than GnuPG itself.  It has nothing to do with fork+exec -
GnuPG uses that itself a lot.

In 2010 we ported GnuPG and GPGME and Kontact (includes KMail) to
Windows Mobile 6.5.  I can tell you, that was a task but we finally did
it.  And the problems were not due to GnuPG (even that it ate up many of
the scarce process slots) but due to the shear amount of memory KDE
stuff required.  Consider as an example this: On Windows CE (the kernel
of Windows Mobile), you don't have stdout and stdin, nor is there a way
to inherit or pass on file descriptors.



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