On Tue, 17 Feb 2015 02:21, r...@sixdemonbag.org said:

> quorra:~ rjh$ gpg -vvvv --keyserver x-hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net
>                   --recv-key 0xD6B98E10
> gpg: using character set 'utf-8'
> gpg: keyserver receive failed: No route to host

It should have swithed to the next host of the pool.  Please run

  gpg-connect-agent --dirmngr 'keyserver --hosttable' /bye

which shows what dirmngr knows about the pool.  Here is an example:

$ gpg-connect-agent --dirmngr 'keyserver --hosttable' /bye
S # hosttable (idx, ipv6, ipv4, dead, name, time):
S #   0 6 4   zimmermann.mayfirst.org v6=[2001:470:1:116::6] v4=
S #   1   4   pgpkeys.mit.edu v4=
S #   2       pgpkeyss.mit.edu
S #   3       pool.sks-keyservers.net
S #   .       pool.sks-keyservers.net
S #   .   --> 21 15 9 14 6 7 8 12 17 5 16 19 20 18 10 4* 11 13
S #   4 6     [2001:67c:2050:1000::3:4]
S #   5 6     keyserver.cns.ipv6.vt.edu v6=[2001:468:c80:210f:0:162:701c:c917]
S #   6 6 4   gpg.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de v6=[2001:6f8:1c3c:babe::62:1] 
S #   7 6     hufu.ki.iif.hu v6=[2001:738:0:600:216:3eff:fe02:42]
S #   8 6     key.bbs4.us v6=[2001:19f0:ac00:42::dead:beef]
S #   9 6     bluemlisalp.durcheinandertal.ch v6=[2a03:580:f001:103::2]
S #  10 6     s3.pkern.at v6=[2a03:4000:5:b3::1]
S #  11 6     [2a00:b9c0:e::4]
S #  12 6 4   key.ip6.li v6=[2a01:7a0:1::6] v4=
S #  13 6     [2a01:a500:385:1::9:1]
S #  14   4   cryptonomicon.mit.edu v4=
S #  15   4
S #  16   4   kronecker.scientia.net v4=
S #  17   4   keys02.fedoraproject.org v4=
S #  18   4   RESISP-209-135-211-141.smf.ragingwire.net v4=
S #  19   4   mira.cbaines.net v4=
S #  20   4   openpgp.andrew.kvalhe.im v4=
S #  21   4
S #  22 6 4   keys.mayfirst.org v6=[2001:470:1:116::6] v4=

Here host [2001:67c:2050:1000::3:4] (index 4) is used.



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