> We only *suspect* that: we saw him holding a smoking gun but did not 
> actually see him fire it.

Yes, which is plenty sufficient to soothe my conscience about invasive
measures.  If there's a homicide, ought it go uninvestigated and the
shooter undiscovered just because we're concerned we might be invading
the privacy of a possibly-innocent person?  I would suspect I was
grossly misunderstanding you were it not for what you said below:

> I'm not fine with invasive anything whilst they are *only* a
> suspect. And once you have proven guilt or innocence it matters not a
> jot who they are.

"Until you prove guilt I won't approve of any serious investigation into
who did it or how.  And if somehow you prove guilt anyway then you don't
need to ask these questions any more, so I still won't approve."

Okay.  Thanks.  I'm really glad you're in the minority: if I were to
wind up murdered on a city street, I'd really hope the police would care
enough to find out who did it and how it was done and why -- even if
those questions might offend people's sensibilities.

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