Hi I have a couple of questions about key generation, subkeys and the documentation on gnupg.org.
(FYI I have GnuPG/MacGPG (v. 2.0.26) on my Mac.) 1. I just tried to generate an RSA keypair using `gpg` on the command line, and it asks me to choose a key length between 1024 and 8192. Here is the relevant output from my terminal session: RSA keys may be between 1024 and 8192 bits long. What keysize do you want? (2048) 8192 Requested keysize is 8192 bits I thought the maximum was 4096? For example, GPGKeychain (the GUI keychain utility from the GPGTools suite which installs the GnuPG/MacGPG) doesnt’t allow key sizes bigger than 4096. In any case, choosing 8192 fails with `gpg`: gpg: keysize invalid; using 4096 bits Shouldn’t this be changed to ensure that 4096 is the limit, or is it possible to have an 8192 length RSA key or this limited by the current capabilities of the random number generator? 2. The key generation dialogue for v. 2.0.26 (started by `gpg —gen-key`) shows the following list of options for keys: Please select what kind of key you want: (1) RSA and RSA (default) (2) DSA and Elgamal (3) DSA (sign only) (4) RSA (sign only) As a user this is confusing to see, for example, RSA and RSA - of course I worked out afterwards that this was going to generate two keypairs one for signatures (S), the other for encryption (E), but at the moment it’s just confusing, even if have to generate new keys again. There is also no explanation that the public key itself is a pair of keys, one which actually makes the signatures using the private key, and the other (subkey) which others use to encrypt messages to you. Also these subway codes S, E, and also C, A are not explained at all - I had to lookup the source code (‘keyedit.c` in the `/g10/ subfolder of the source folder) to guess at what they mean. For example, here is the information provided by `gpg` for my keybase.io public key: pub 4096R/9EAB92B4 created: 2014-12-30 expires: never usage: SCEA trust: ultimate validity: ultimate sub 2048R/238026C5 created: 2014-12-30 expires: 2022-12-28 usage: S sub 2048R/66C9185A created: 2014-12-30 expires: 2022-12-28 usage: E [ultimate] (1). keybase.io/sandeepmurthy <sandeepmur...@keybase.io> There should be an explanation surely of what S C E A mean: S (signatures), E (encryption), C (creating a certificate) and A (authentication?). 3. At the moment the documentation on gnupg.org - both the manuals and the privacy handbook - are out of date for v. 2.x+), e.g. the privacy handbook https://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual/c14.html showing the possible keypair choices as (1) DSA and ElGamal (default) (2) DSA (sign only) (4) ElGamal (sign and encrypt) which is obviously different from what the current one version allows. Perhaps there should be a much better explanation of subways and the codes S, C, E, A, because I don’t think it’s there right now. Since the handbook is aimed at first time users it seems these updates should be (and could be) made very quickly. I use GnuPG but I would also like to contribute. Would it be possible to clone the repo and make a pull request or something like that? Sandeep Murthy s.mur...@mykolab.com
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