On 26/11/14 19:37, da...@gbenet.com wrote:
> Hi Al,
> As so many have been aware, I tried LUbuntu amd64 LXDE with Thunderbird and 
> Enigmail - which
> singularly failed to sign or even encrypt. I made add that Kleopatra Kgpg GPA 
> also failed to
> work.
> As some of you are stuck with the mind-set that the earth is flat eg "Oh  it 
> works for me
> therefore it works for everyone else" is delusional. As stated I'd not ask 98 
> per cent of
> you to change a light bulb.
> I have now installed Debian release (wheezy) 64-bit and icedove 31.20 with 
> Enigmail 1.72.
> Considering that icedove is Thunderbird and the same version as is Enigmail - 
> I am at a loss
> to explain the failings. I just copied folders and files over with no 
> problems.
> David
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So, does this mean it works now or not ? David, with the deepest
respect, you are not very good at providing the correct information you
have been asked for, namely detailed steps, detailed failure messages,
detailed versions of your packages/distributions. This is going to be my
last response to you, if I feel that you are not providing the correct
Further, just because somebody renames and rebuilds something, does not
mean it is THE SAME as the original. The Debian folks might be applying
patches, as we do in Fedora and Red Hat/CentOS. That is the thing with
free software, just because something sounds or looks similar, does not
mean it is! Hence, the requirement for detailed package names and
versions and distribution versions.

Werner, I know I know!



Tristan Santore BSc MBCS
Network and Infrastructure Operations
Mobile +44-78-55069812

Former Thawte Notary
(Please note: Thawte has closed its WoT programme down,
and I am therefore no longer able to accredit trust)

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