Hi Al,

As so many have been aware, I tried LUbuntu amd64 LXDE with Thunderbird and 
Enigmail - which
singularly failed to sign or even encrypt. I made add that Kleopatra Kgpg GPA 
also failed to

As some of you are stuck with the mind-set that the earth is flat eg "Oh  it 
works for me
therefore it works for everyone else" is delusional. As stated I'd not ask 98 
per cent of
you to change a light bulb.

I have now installed Debian release (wheezy) 64-bit and icedove 31.20 with 
Enigmail 1.72.
Considering that icedove is Thunderbird and the same version as is Enigmail - I 
am at a loss
to explain the failings. I just copied folders and files over with no problems.


“See the sanity of the man! No gods, no angels, no demons, no body. Nothing of 
kind.Stern, sane,every brain-cell perfect and complete even at the moment of 
death. No
delusion.” https://linuxcounter.net/user/512854.html - http://gbenet.com

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