On 26/11/14 19:52, Tristan Santore wrote:
> On 26/11/14 19:37, da...@gbenet.com wrote:
>> Hi Al,
>> As so many have been aware, I tried LUbuntu amd64 LXDE with Thunderbird and 
>> Enigmail - which
>> singularly failed to sign or even encrypt. I made add that Kleopatra Kgpg 
>> GPA also failed to
>> work.
>> As some of you are stuck with the mind-set that the earth is flat eg "Oh  it 
>> works for me
>> therefore it works for everyone else" is delusional. As stated I'd not ask 
>> 98 per cent of
>> you to change a light bulb.
>> I have now installed Debian release (wheezy) 64-bit and icedove 31.20 with 
>> Enigmail 1.72.
>> Considering that icedove is Thunderbird and the same version as is Enigmail 
>> - I am at a loss
>> to explain the failings. I just copied folders and files over with no 
>> problems.
>> David
>> _______________________________________________
>> Gnupg-users mailing list
>> Gnupg-users@gnupg.org
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> So, does this mean it works now or not ? David, with the deepest respect, you 
> are not very
> good at providing the correct information you have been asked for, namely 
> detailed steps,
> detailed failure messages, detailed versions of your packages/distributions. 
> This is going
> to be my last response to you, if I feel that you are not providing the 
> correct information.
> Further, just because somebody renames and rebuilds something, does not mean 
> it is THE SAME
> as the original. The Debian folks might be applying patches, as we do in 
> Fedora and Red
> Hat/CentOS. That is the thing with free software, just because something 
> sounds or looks
> similar, does not mean it is! Hence, the requirement for detailed package 
> names and versions
> and distribution versions.
> Werner, I know I know!
> Regards,
> Tristan
> -- 
> Tristan Santore BSc MBCS
> TS4523-RIPE
> Network and Infrastructure Operations
> InterNexusConnect
> Mobile +44-78-55069812
> tristan.sant...@internexusconnect.net
> Former Thawte Notary
> (Please note: Thawte has closed its WoT programme down,
> and I am therefore no longer able to accredit trust)
> For Fedora related issues, please email me at:
> tsant...@fedoraproject.org
> _______________________________________________
> Gnupg-users mailing list
> Gnupg-users@gnupg.org
> http://lists.gnupg.org/mailman/listinfo/gnupg-users

It all works on Debian - Fedora-16 64-bit well no and LUbuntu LXDE 64-bit no. 
And it's not
LXDE - LUbuntu - is it a kernel issue? Maybe I could never find out. 
Considering that
Kleopatra Kgpg GPA Thunderbird Enigmail ALL Failed - it points to a kernel 

As happens on this list when people point out that something's not working - 
those with very
limited intelligence start bleating as if we are completely ignorant of what we 

Anyway, I keep away from Fedora - a dodgy system as now I keep well away from 
64-bit. Not all Linux Distros work. Not all Linux applications work. This is a 
fact of life.


“See the sanity of the man! No gods, no angels, no demons, no body. Nothing of 
kind.Stern, sane,every brain-cell perfect and complete even at the moment of 
death. No
delusion.” https://linuxcounter.net/user/512854.html - http://gbenet.com

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