On Fri, 14 Nov 2014, NdK <ndk.cla...@gmail.com> wrote:

Il 14/11/2014 13:24, da...@gbenet.com ha scritto:

I have cooled. You can export your private key - you can export your public
key. You can
import your private key you can import your public key. In 20 years I have
always had the
same problem - the same error message and have each time created a new set
of keys. I have
done this 4 times.
If all four times you did the same wrong thing, then it's obvious that you got the same wrong result.

Just to prove it's your error, I copied my .gnupg from one system (str957-142) to another (str957-004), with the most basic method I ould think of. I'm not an expert (probably I transferred more than what was needed!), but as you can see I succeeded at the first try!

diego@str957-142:~$ gpg --list-secret-keys
sec   2048R/F9B9D307 2014-11-14
uid                  Diego <t...@example.com>
ssb   2048R/3A4AD1C0 2014-11-14

diego@str957-142:~$ tar cvfz GnuPG-backup.tar.gz --exclude random_seed .gnupg
diego@str957-142:~$ gpg --clearsign GnuPG-backup.tar.gz

?? necessaria una passphrase per sbloccare la chiave segreta
dell'utente: "Diego <t...@example.com>"
2048-bit chiave RSA, ID F9B9D307, creata 2014-11-14

diego@str957-142:~$ ls GnuPG-backup.tar.gz*
GnuPG-backup.tar.gz  GnuPG-backup.tar.gz.asc
diego@str957-142:~$ scp GnuPG-backup.tar.gz diego@str957-004:/home/diego

Then on the other PC:

diego@str957-004:~$ tar xvfz GnuPG-backup.tar.gz
diego@str957-004:~$ gpg --clearsign GnuPG-backup.tar.gz

?? necessaria una passphrase per sbloccare la chiave segreta
dell'utente: "Diego <t...@example.com>"
2048-bit chiave RSA, ID F9B9D307, creata 2014-11-14

diego@str957-004:~$ gpg --verify GnuPG-backup.tar.gz.asc
gpg: Firma eseguita in data ven 14 nov 2014 14:07:57 CET usando RSA, ID chiave F9B9D307
gpg: Firma valida da "Diego <t...@example.com>"

I notice that no one on this list - for all the talk of "oh I've done it"
can offer no
practical information has to HOW. No one. No one. No one knows how to do
this simple task.
In all my 20 years I have never found out how. Perhaps things are different
under a Windows
O/S but on Linux there is NO SOLUTION.
Done just now in Ubuntu. So there's an error on your side.


Thank you, Diego!

One failure of the culture of Usenet and many mailing lists is an
unreasonable reluctance to publish exact specific code, in answer
to a question about how to do something.  Often an answer of this
form is given:

  Ah, you just have to frobniculate the upper side parser, then
  reduce the dimension of the third homotopy group by killing all
  high pressure *reverse* constraints forced by the file which
  specifies the Lipschitz spectrum, at level 2.  Then just restart
  the daemon.  It may take a minute or two, if the network checks
  are fully enabled, but that is the only trouble I have ever
  had, doing it this way.  Some vora114 administrators recommend
  re-compiling all of the Lipschitz spectrum, some even suggest
  regenerating the Sobolev softmax pragmata, but I have never
  found that necessary.

which is correct, and easily understood by anyone who already
knows how to do the task, but difficult to understand, if you do
not already know how to do the task.  A more useful answer is:

  Become root on the machine.  Then do

  root@example:~# cd /etc/vora114
  root@example:~# cp -a lipschitz.conf lipschitz.conf.bak
  root@example:~# echo frob upper 2 safe >> side-parse.conf
  root@example:~# echo :l2 v.. greater-than > l2.l.rev.remove
  root@example:~# grep -v -f l2.l.rev.remove lipschitz.conf > 
  root@example:~# mv lipschitz.conf.temp lipschitz.conf
  root@example:~# /etc/init.d/vora114 force-reload

  You may, if vora114 checks all network connections, have to
  wait a few minutes for vora114 to fully start.  So wait five
  minutes and then do

  root@example:~# /etc/init.d/vora114 status

  and send us a copy of the first sixty lines of output.


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