Am 14.11.2014 um 12:41 schrieb
> Hello All,
> I even tried exporting my private and public key from the command line and 
> then tried
> importing. The same error message as before. I have checked on the internet - 
> most of the
> suggestions are crap - the authors have never ever tried to do what they 
> suggest others to
> do. If they had done so then they would have known just how crappy their 
> supposed expertise was.
> I have even looked through  and 
> found this to be a
> useless pile of crap also.
> I am faced with two options:
> (1) Create yet another set of keys
> (2) Give up using gnupg after some 20 years
> I think I will unsubscribe from this list and give up on gnupg as a pile of 
> crap.
> David

I think unsubscribing is the best thing you can do. Because you probably
successfully destroyed the good intension and motivation of anyone
helping you, with the offending nonsense you wrote in your last mails.

If you are angry just shut up and write again after you cooled yourself
down. The problem is more likely with you because there are not many
people reporting such problems.
And I can tell from my own experience that it is not even a problem
copying the content of the gnupg directory between windows and linux.
Tried that successfully.
Maybe you should read the FAQ again (and try to understand what is
written). Maybe there is a difference between exporting the public part
of a key and the private part.

Anyway, enjoy your life.

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