"Gnupg-users" <gnupg-users-boun...@gnupg.org> wrote on 09/16/2014 09:55:18
> ----- Message from Werner Koch <w...@gnupg.org> on Wed, 17 Sep 2014
> 03:16:29 +0200 -----
> ... and the 2400 other subscribers are having a bag of popcorn while
> watching the discussion.
That's me--although I've had to settle for pretzels and chips as I haven't
had time to make popcorn.
The discussion has been most entertaining and enlightening. Both sides
have valid points. I believe no software will ever do everything everyone
wants. (I know mine doesn't.) I, too, get passionate about my thoughts at
times. Then I simply try to remind myself it's software and generally not
a life-and-death matter. (Although I understand problems with encryption
could be far more harmful to some folks than me.)
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