On 16/09/14 20:41, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
>> Ouch, that's really selective quoting you're doing.
> No, I'm using the same verbiage I did before.  Quoting myself:

No no no no, let me put that in context for you.

>>> If you can find half a dozen *real users* who are
>>> being *really impacted* by this, I'd love to hear about them.  But so
>>> far, all the discussion is so hypothetical that it's hard for me to take
>>> it seriously.
>> [...]
>> You can't argue that these aren't real users. You can't argue it's not a
>> real impact. You can only argue that the impact isn't that big. But that
>> is a long shot from "so hypothetical it's hard to take seriously". I
>> don't understand where that came from.
> Sure I can.  You weren't really impacted by it.  You had easy
> mitigations available to you.

I was exactly asserting that you can only argue about the extent of the impact,
not that there exists an impact. But you snipped that so it became:

>> You can't argue that these aren't real users. You can't argue it's not a
>> real impact.
> Sure I can.  You weren't really impacted by it.  You had easy
> mitigations available to you.

Which suddenly makes it look like I made a false statement, when in fact I was
simply stating that something that has an arguably small impact is a long shot
from something that is "so hypothetical it's hard to take seriously".

Thereby discrediting my view by association to a false statement.

I really hate it when you don't argue based on merits but seemingly just to sway
people to your point. I always wonder if maybe your point isn't strong enough by

There, I've said it. Deal with it. In fact, thank me for it.


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