On 27-10-2013 12:30, Peter Lebbing wrote:

> But I can think of another one: much more hardware support. Both smartcards 
> and
> crypto-accelerators either in a general purpose CPU or as a module in a 
> computer.

I had not thought of the crypto cards, but the only crypto hardware
acceleration in general purpose CPU's I know of are the AES functions in
the newer intel  CPU's, which are gladly used by TrueCrypt. And I see
the advantage in using that in TrueCrypt, which is constantly busy. But
the few encrypted messages people get via email can easily be handled by
a much slower CPU than I have now. My reading speed is the limiting
factor there, not the computers decrypting speed.

Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,
Johan Wevers

PGP/GPG public keys at http://www.xs4all.nl/~johanw/pgpkeys.html

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