Well, as I can't find a statement neither of the EFF nor of the CCC
related to this program, instead found a review
on sourceforge which indicates that the CCC has no idea of it, I'm
highly sceptical about this. It does not have to be a a bad software,
though. But picking big names to push forward a software won't let me
trust it.
Secondly, if PRISM was the intention to create a new secure messenger (I
would interpret the description in this way), they cannot have created
the program in this short time.
Third, I cannot imagine "a kind of PGP". Is it PGP, is it something
other? Additionally, Echo seems to be a protocol just for debugging

By only reading the description it seems that someone just salted it
with good-looking keywords to catch attention. I would keep my hands of it.

Am 27.07.2013 04:45, schrieb Randolph D.:
> Does anyone know, if this tool is really secure?
> Fwd:
> >>>
>    DOWNLOAD & PRESS RELEASE 2013-07-27 - English / Deutsch weiter unten
>   _____       _     _ ____             
>  / ____|     | |   | |  _ \            
> | |  __  ___ | | __| | |_) |_   _  __ _
> | | |_ |/ _ \| |/ _` |  _ <| | | |/ _` |
> | |__| | (_) | | (_| | |_) | |_| | (_| |  GoldBug.sf.net
> <http://GoldBug.sf.net>
>  \_____|\___/|_|\__,_|____/ \__,_|\__, |
>                                    __/ |
>                                   |___/
> GoldBug.sf.net <http://GoldBug.sf.net>: Secure Instant Messenger V0.1
> has been released -
> with p2p Email and decentral IRC public chat
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/goldbug/files/?source=navbar
> While today thousands of members of the Stop-Watching-Us initiative
> against surveillance programs like PRISM demonstrated in several
> cities all around the globe, the EFF in conjunction with the Chaos
> Computer Club announced a new secure Instant Messenger called:
> GoldBug.sf.net <http://GoldBug.sf.net> (http://goldbug.sf.net)
> Next to chat as well a serverless Email-System and public IRC-Chat has
> been introduced with Multi-Encryption: a kind of PGP secured with AES
> over SSL. The new protocol driving this is called "Echo" and has many
> potentials to be deployed as well for further secure and anonymous
> communication applications.
> Some net communities already call it the Neuland Messenger due to the
> Font Name of the Logo.
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