Hi Robert, good Point, scalebility if of course the Thing to consider in architecture, there is the congestion check box in the library, which seems to be hidden in the app this helps to set up a Service for better scalability. In General you are right, but the model could be as well: 5000 Users connect to one Server, this Server provides the Chat for These peope. The Server has a Connection as well to another Server. so you see, that several thousands would be connectable. See the netsplit of IRC, it is similar. And IRC scaled as well good. Furthermore you have the HAlF echo, that means the Connection is direct without a hop. In this model you have security as well and no question for that Special architecture looks Should we test the app? Send me your key or the IP of a Server
Thanks 2013/7/27 Robert J. Hansen <r...@sixdemonbag.org> > On 7/26/2013 10:45 PM, Randolph D. wrote: > > Does anyone know, if this tool is really secure? > > Based only on their press release, this seems like a completely > unscalable bucket of failure. > > > The so called "Echo" creates a peer-2-peer (p2p), respective > > friend-2-friend (f2f) network, which sends every (strong encrypted) data > > packet to everyone connected in that network to your node. When you can > > decrypt the packet, it is yours and readable, if not, you share it with > > all your connected neighbors. So far so simple. > > And this, right here, is why it's such a colossal disaster. It cannot > scale. > > Let's say that you're connected with 1,000 other users, and each of > those users is connected with another 1,000. Someone sends you an echo > packet that you can't decrypt. You then send it to 1,000 others. 999 > can't read it and the last one can. Each of these 999 users then sends > it on to *their* 1,000 contacts... > > Remember, this is delivery to a user *adjacent to you in the graph*. It > doesn't get better or easier than that. And for a delivery this simple, > we're still talking about spamming the network with a million packets > (your original 1,000, plus 999,000 others) just to deliver a single packet. > > > > _______________________________________________ > Gnupg-users mailing list > Gnupg-users@gnupg.org > http://lists.gnupg.org/mailman/listinfo/gnupg-users >
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