Wow that landing page looks like a super cheap rip-off of
On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 4:25 PM, Robert J. Hansen <>wrote: > On 7/26/2013 10:45 PM, Randolph D. wrote: > > Does anyone know, if this tool is really secure? > > Based only on their press release, this seems like a completely > unscalable bucket of failure. > > > The so called "Echo" creates a peer-2-peer (p2p), respective > > friend-2-friend (f2f) network, which sends every (strong encrypted) data > > packet to everyone connected in that network to your node. When you can > > decrypt the packet, it is yours and readable, if not, you share it with > > all your connected neighbors. So far so simple. > > And this, right here, is why it's such a colossal disaster. It cannot > scale. > > Let's say that you're connected with 1,000 other users, and each of > those users is connected with another 1,000. Someone sends you an echo > packet that you can't decrypt. You then send it to 1,000 others. 999 > can't read it and the last one can. Each of these 999 users then sends > it on to *their* 1,000 contacts... > > Remember, this is delivery to a user *adjacent to you in the graph*. It > doesn't get better or easier than that. And for a delivery this simple, > we're still talking about spamming the network with a million packets > (your original 1,000, plus 999,000 others) just to deliver a single packet. > > This is not a communications protocol. This is a denial of service > attack against a network. > > Now, maybe the people behind the "echo network" are world-class network > engineers who have already accounted for this, and the person writing > the marketing copy is a brain-dead marketroid who started sniffing glue > at a tender age. That's possible. But, based on the marketing copy, > the entire idea looks bogus to me. > > > _______________________________________________ > Gnupg-users mailing list > > >
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