hi Diego

We need encryption, because  the files are sent via Email from other
organisations. These files are then decrypted internally, that's why
all/several Win-Users of us.

On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 2:51 PM, NdK <ndk.cla...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Il 03/05/2013 14:29, Lema KB ha scritto:
> > It is not appropriate for us to have several public-private-keys.
> Then probably you don't need encryption at all. Or you only need
> symmetric encryption (same key used both for enc and dec).
> > Can GnuPG be downloaded on a virtual machine so, that, if one user on VM
> > generates a pair-key, this pair-key will be also the keys of other user
> of
> > this VM? So they all will be able to decrypt files using one
> private-key..?
> Possible, but stupid (IMVHO). If you think VM access control is enough,
> then just use it and don't encrypt the file.
> Submission can be handled with a correct ACL (in *nix it could be
> rwxrwx-wx on a folder: only members of the group will be able to read
> the files in it, but every user can put his file there -- we used this
> method for lab projects).
> Another way can be a web form that stores an uploaded file in a private
> folder.
> PGP is not a "magic bullet": he does what it's designed to do (and I
> think it does it quite well), but won't prevent you from using it in
> really insecure ways. *SECRET* keys are called that way for a reason.
> BYtE,
>  Diego.
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