hi guys

i am just beginning using gpg/pgp, so my apologies in advance for my
confusions. i've read and tried several times to encrypt csv files with a
private-key, and to decrypt them back with public key.

actually, these different csv files should be encrypted by several
different users, and sent to only one mail-adress. there are also several
other users on a virtual machine, who should be able to decrypt them. we
have to do these with private-public-key case.

What i now did is, i created a key-pair, have sent public-key to those, who
will encrypt files. i am able to decrypt these files with my private-key.
the problem is, i only can decrypt the files.

is it possible to do it in any other way, but using also priv-pub-key? i am
like stuck..

I appreciate any of your help and suggestion,
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