On 08/28/2012 04:56 PM, Heinz Diehl wrote:
> On 28.08.2012, No such Client wrote: 
>> I simply chose to keep my name private.  Surely, on a public, crypto
>> mailing-list, with all sorts of interesting people, the idea of
>> privacy
>> would be understood no? real names or pseudonyms should be quite
>> irrelevant.. Is it not the content that counts?
> My personal opinion on this topic is: I don't care about realnames.
> I'm posting with my realname in       the From: header, but does
> anybody know that this name really belongs to me? (It actually does,
> but nobody can know this for shure).
> So where's the difference between "No such Client" and my realname?
> Or your realname? Or the realname of anybody else? :-)
> Just my 5ΓΈ.
Well said. :-)

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