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> I would not trust Google with your data, far less mine. They have all
> ready been accused of illegally pilfering through user data and mining
> for user wireless information. I avoid them like the plague whenever
> possible.

Pffft, they can't get to the really important stuff past my tinfoil hat!

And google don't scare me! What I'm really worried about is the MiB.
That van across the street, he ain't no plumber!!

I could really use some coffee, but I forgot the combination. :-(

If couldn't tell by now, I'm being a sarcastic b---h. I get so tired of
the "tehy're out to get you" gabble people spout on the net.

EVERY internet provider (AND the zit faced kid next door) has the
ability to sniff your data and your packets. If I let that stop me from
using the internet I'd be living in a foil lined airstream up in the
hills pooping in a dirt hole and eating berries.

Got any hard data to back up this claim, or are you just basing your
oogie-boogie stay away on newsgroup, blog rumblings and sensationalized
ratings focus media hype? I'm sure google just has a dedicated team
rifling through the millions of gmail user's data looking for that ripe
piece of information.

I've been accused of having murderous intentions by a couple of
employers, doesn't mean I have a couple of bodies buried in the back woods.

It's like the facebook privacy fiasco. OMG!! FACEBOOK IS PUBLISHING MY
RANTS AND THOUGHTS!!! Well here's a nugget of common sense, if ya didn't
want anybody to know about it, then ya shouldn't have posted it to a
semi-public location in the first place!

ANYHOW, back on topic.
Sonja Michelle Lina Thomas

"I realized fear one morning, when the blare of the fox-hunters sound.
When they are all chasing after the poor bloody fox, it's safer to be
dressed like a hound."

On 6/12/2010 6:37, Jerry wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Jun 2010 06:22:47 -0500
> Sonja Michelle Lina Thomas <sonjamiche...@gmail.com> articulated:
>> I use gmail for my SMTP needs. I have accounts on a couple of unix
>> machines, yahoo, gmail, aim, my business hosted via godaddy and I
>> choose gmail as the default SMTP server for all of them. Works like a
>> charm.
>> http://lifehacker.com/111166/how-to-use-gmail-as-your-smtp-server
>> Give them a try. Gmail is free and it can be a good account to pass to
>> sites that you feel may be spam generators. Gmail has web/pop/imap
>> access and has fairly decent spam filters.
> I would not trust Google with your data, far less mine. They have all
> ready been accused of illegally pilfering through user data and mining
> for user wireless information. I avoid them like the plague whenever
> possible.
> What I would like to know is if the OP tried using the ISP's SMTP
> server, often referred to as "smarthost" feature in several MTAs.
> -- 
> Jerry
> gnupg.u...@seibercom.net
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