Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> I am no chemist, but I would not be at all shocked to find that
> well-stocked research laboratories have supplies on hand that you or I
> would consider ridiculous.
> As an example, a few weeks ago I was talking to a fellow graduate
> student here.  He was talking about the fun he'd recently had with
> fluoroantimonic acid.  This stuff will protanate _methane_.  Of course,
> Stephen characterized it as "a lot of fun" and "we should get you into
> the lab sometime, Rob!", at which point I realized that I kind of liked
> not being dissolved...
> ("I will not screw with the chemistry grad students, for I am two-thirds
> water, and thus am an ambulatory supply of useful if impure solvent.")

LOL!  I think most here would agree that they like the idea of not being
dissolved.  That is why most people stay away from chemists, especially ones
who fit the mold of "mad scientist"...


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