markus reichelt wrote:
> 30M? I guess not. Industrial grade conc. hydrochloric acid is about
> 12M max

I am no chemist, but I would not be at all shocked to find that
well-stocked research laboratories have supplies on hand that you or I
would consider ridiculous.

As an example, a few weeks ago I was talking to a fellow graduate
student here.  He was talking about the fun he'd recently had with
fluoroantimonic acid.  This stuff will protanate _methane_.  Of course,
Stephen characterized it as "a lot of fun" and "we should get you into
the lab sometime, Rob!", at which point I realized that I kind of liked
not being dissolved...

("I will not screw with the chemistry grad students, for I am two-thirds
water, and thus am an ambulatory supply of useful if impure solvent.")

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