On Wed, 20 Aug 2008, Robert J. Hansen wrote:

ObWarning: many of the techniques we've discussed for destroying hard drives are really quite dangerous. Thermite is _not_ a friendly chemical. Neither is sulfuric acid. Even an approach as low-tech as hammering the platters into oblivion can be dangerous -- see Werner's statement about all the shards that hit his safety glasses. Before destroying a hard drive, learn how to do it safely.

When Hard Drives Attack

also check out the Related Videos.

on the same topic, i was also thinking that cooking a HD above the platters' CP would also require adequate ventilation, and may render an oven not usable for food.


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        "In a way, risking climate change is even more frightening
         than playing Russian roulette... but with the pistol pointed
         at the head of ones child..."
                -- Stephen J. Decanio, The Economics of Climate Change

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