On Sunday 23 October 2005 8:15 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 22, 2005 at 10:14:58PM +0100, Neil Williams wrote:
> > ? That key has NO signatures other than yourself! There's no way anyone
> > can trust it. There are NO paths.
> It does, look at:
> http://pks.aaiedu.hr:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x16DA1F1690887E13
> http://pks.aaiedu.hr:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x5081D08A1DC7E994

That path is circular - it leads to your "master" key, to one signature and 
then back to you. It doesn't lead to any keys in the strong set.

> Both are signed by my master key which in turn is signed by a friend. My
> scheme is having one "master key" and then I get people to sign that
> master key, which I in turn use to sign my other ad-hoc keys.

There is still no way the web of trust can help your key become trusted 
without a signature that links you into the main key sets - preferably the 
strong set.

Compare with some of the paths from my key (including the path (v.short path) 
from me to Bob Henson who also replied to your query). (Hi Bob!).

Bob wrote:
> The downside is, I haven't got many signatures on mine either, so
> it's no big deal :-(

You have enough for your key to be in the strong set:

The most useful thing to do for anyone seeking signatures is to join 
biglumber.com - it's linked into the keyserver at kjsl.com 
(http://keyserver.kjsl.com:11371/) which makes it very useful for following 
paths and working out who could be available for keysigning if you are 

With a biglumber listing, Bob wouldn't have had to ask on the list, he could 
have simply looked up the details from the keyserver output.


Neil Williams

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