David Shaw wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 23, 2005 at 05:16:43PM +0100, Bob Henson wrote:

>>That's not the only reason though. The PGP Global Keyserver is dangerous, as
>>well as a nuisance, for a number of reasons. As it only shows one key on a
>>search for a users name, it might cause people to miss a revoked key and
>>continue using it.
> This is a misunderstanding about the Global Directory.  It does not,
> is not designed to, and should not give more than one key for a given
> email address. 

He didn't say e-mail address, he said name. :) I just checked this for
myself, and if I type in "Doug Barton" I get the key that is tied to this
e-mail address, but not the other key that I have uploaded to that server.
This actually explains a common complaint that I hear from PGP users about
not being able to find that other key. So, this turns out to be very useful
information, as I now know to tell them to search for my other key by e-mail
address (which works, btw).

I can see a lot of value in the model you described David, and I agree that
at least having a key where the e-mail address has been verified, on a
server where users actually have the ability to remove keys, is a good
thing. On the other hand, I can see that every other "Doug Barton" in the
world is at a significant disadvantage here, since I got there first. :)




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