Hi Derek/GNUCash users & other possibly interested stakeholders, 

I am on the "board" of the North Bay Linux Users Group/NBLUG -

While I was not involved in the migration of the NBLUG mailing lists
from Mailman 2 to Mailman 3, I did read that is was quite an involved

It would be nice if some of the nonprofit fiscal sponsors in the open
source software world, like Software Freedom Conservancy
(https://sfconservancy.org/), Software in the Public Interest
(https://www.spi-inc.org/), and the Free Software Foundation
(https://www.fsf.org/working-together/fiscal-sponsorship), would offer
member projects a somewhat centralized mailing service using Mailman 3,
like the Python Software Foundation does -

That way, not all of the individual open source software projects would
have to do the entire Mailman 2 > 3 installation, migration,
maintenance, & use process on their own.  


Brad - https://www.facebook.com/brad.morrison.12327/ &
https://nextdoor.com/profile/01mP46jj8KCzj3sP4 &

On 2025-03-03 05:32, Derek Atkins wrote:

> Hi,
> Sorry for not paying closer attention to this.  I actually had forgotten
> about that page.
> I've removed all references to nabble from the /search/index.html page.
> I agree we probably need a better search mechanism, but I don't know what
> it is.
> -derek
> PS: I reached out to my colleagues at the IETF who migrated from MM2 to
> MM3, and they confirmed my fears.  They spent a ton of $$$ to contract out
> to get the migration done.  It did NOT go smoothly.  They had to implement
> customer scripts to perform the migration, and had to add custom code to
> MM3 to get it up to snuff.  Most of that code is NOT publicly available.
> On Sun, March 2, 2025 10:28 pm, John Ralls wrote: I think that only Derek can 
> edit https://lists.gnucash.org/search/
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> On Mar 2, 2025, at 18:29, Jim DeLaHunt <list+gnuc...@jdlh.com> wrote:
> More reasons for removing the references to Nabble at the gnucash-user
> list search page:
> "Nabble is not profitable.... Nabble has no future...." by Franklin, the
> apparent main decision-maker at Nabble, 13 June 2020
> <https://support.nabble.com/The-Future-of-Nabble-td7605923.html>.
> "We will downsize Nabble to one server....  Note that we no longer do
> mailing list archiving, so if you own an old mailing list archive, there
> is no point to preserving it." by Franklin, 5 July 2021
> <https://support.nabble.com/Downsizing-Nabble-td7609715.html>
> I don't know where to propose edits to the web page
> <https://lists.gnucash.org/search/?idxinfo=gnucash-user>. There is a
> repo "htdocs" at <https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash-htdocs>, but I
> cannot find the string "nabble" there. It looks to me like the source
> code for <https://gnucash.org/>, not <https://lists.gnucash.org/>.
> Best regards,
> --Jim DeLaHunt
> On 2025-03-02 16:54, Brad Morrison wrote: Hi Stan/GNUCash users,
> That Nabble link on that GNUCash mailing list search is still not
> working for me - https://www.nabble.com/
> If it does not work for others, should GNUCash contact Nabble for
> support, remove that option, or something else?
> ---
> Thanks,
> Brad - https://www.facebook.com/brad.morrison.12327/ &
> https://nextdoor.com/profile/01mP46jj8KCzj3sP4 &
> https://norcal.social/@BradMorrison
> On 2025-03-01 14:39, Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) wrote:
> On 2025-03-01 10:39, Brad Morrison wrote:
> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user >
> https://lists.gnucash.org/search/?idxinfo=gnucash-user >
> https://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com//GnuCash-User-f1415819.html
> does
> not work for me right now (server not found), is anyone else also
> seeing
> that issue? The one you had trouble with (and I did too, to answer your 
> question
> --
> DNS lookup failed) is a nabble link. As I recall, nabble was discussed
> a
> few months ago, and I believe the consensus was that it was moribund.
> People who use nabble to post to this list, or read it, have been
> counseled to use email instead.
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
> https://BrownMath.com
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