More reasons for removing the references to Nabble at the gnucash-user
list search page:
"Nabble is not profitable…. Nabble has no future…." by Franklin, the
apparent main decision-maker at Nabble, 13 June 2020
"We will downsize Nabble to one server.… Note that we no longer do
mailing list archiving, so if you own an old mailing list archive, there
is no point to preserving it." by Franklin, 5 July 2021
I don't know where to propose edits to the web page
<>. There is a
repo "htdocs" at <>, but I
cannot find the string "nabble" there. It looks to me like the source
code for <>, not <>.
Best regards,
—Jim DeLaHunt
On 2025-03-02 16:54, Brad Morrison wrote:
Hi Stan/GNUCash users,
That Nabble link on that GNUCash mailing list search is still not
working for me -
If it does not work for others, should GNUCash contact Nabble for
support, remove that option, or something else?
Brad - & &
On 2025-03-01 14:39, Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) wrote:
On 2025-03-01 10:39, Brad Morrison wrote: > > does
not work for me right now (server not found), is anyone else also seeing
that issue?
The one you had trouble with (and I did too, to answer your question --
DNS lookup failed) is a nabble link. As I recall, nabble was discussed a
few months ago, and I believe the consensus was that it was moribund.
People who use nabble to post to this list, or read it, have been
counseled to use email instead.
Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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