The importer thinks it has seen the first line before and is telling you that it made a choice to not import it.  In that picture you can override the importer and tell it to either import as new (first box) or match to the existing entry (third box).

The importer is giving you the option on that screen.

On 2/24/25 10:58, "alois müller" via gnucash-user wrote:
The problem is absolutly mad!

I have reduced it to just 2 transactions:


I can't see any difference!

The 2nd ist imported correctly whereas the 1st NOT

see attached picture!

all accounts exist.

WHY are approx. 90% imported and 10% show up RED!!

--- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ---
Von: "Kalpesh Patel" <>
Datum: 24.02.2025 13:09:23
An: '"alois müller"' <>,         "'David Cousens'" 
Betreff: RE: [GNC] Import troubles

As a side note- you have to teach the matcher how to match transaction as
they come in by exposing it at least once. Suggestion is for you to take
small sample set to import it first to train it and then import 30K or so
all at once. But keep in mind that you will get a window that will still
have all transactions in it which will display some that it doesn't know
what to do with it (missing check box) and some that can go in many ways,
depending upon how it was trained, in which case it could suggest wrong way
to handle and you will have to manually correct it. This is the nature of
CSV import as transaction fidelity is the lowest compared to other forms
of import.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kalpesh Patel <>
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2025 6:52 AM
To: '"alois müller"' <>; 'David Cousens' 

Cc: '' <>
Subject: RE: [GNC] Import troubles

 From what I can see, GNC it recognized it and ready to take the next step
with it.

You are at the window where it gives you an opportunity to select which 
you want to post them into the register, which ones don't, and you elected
first one not to be put into any register by having none of the boxes selected.
You have to place a check box in either one of those square boxes (by clicking
in it) to tell how to import it in - 'Neu' means import it as a new transaction,
'U + Abgl' means update an existing one and reconcile the transaction, 'Abgl'
means reconcile the transaction (if there was a match found like other three
transactions have) and not selecting any skips putting that transaction into
any register.  This is likely because the matcher has not come across this
transaction in the past to match with so it knows what to do with it, hence
none of the boxes are selected and waiting for you to tell what it should
with that transaction. After selecting one of the box, double click on the
transaction to bring up the list of all accounts from which you can select
an applicable contra account to post the transaction into to balance it out.
Next time when it encounters the same transaction, it will pre-populate what
it thinks is correct next action, while it will give you opportunity to correct
it just like it did this time but most likely the 'Abgl' will be check marked.

Hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: "alois müller" <>
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2025 4:34 AM
To: David Cousens <>
Subject: Re: [GNC] Import troubles

See this attached picture of the import process!

I don't understand why the first transaction is not imported

--- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ---
Von: David Cousens <>
Datum: 24.02.2025 02:13:21
An: "\"alois" müller" <>,

Betreff: Re: [GNC] Import troubles


I set up a dummy data file in GnuCash 5.10 with Asset accounts "Bargeld"
and "Girokonto" and expense accounts "Essen", "Extras,
and "Katzen" then put the data from your post into a CSV file and

it without any problems. I assigned the headers

Date, Description, Memo, Amount Negated, Amount, Account, Transfer Account

to the fields in the data in that order. The Amount Negated and Amount were
applied to those specific columns so that the debits and credit were made
to the correct accounts (credits to the asset accounts and debits to the
expense accounts) assuming I have translated the German account names correctly.

With that setup these imported correctly with no problems.

There is a step in the import process where you will have to match the account
names to the internal account names the first time you do an import even
if the names in the CSV Account and Transfer Account fields

are exactly the same as the account names you have used internally in GnuCash.
  Once that assignment has been made it will be remembered in subsequent 

Hope this helps.

David Cousens

On Mon, 2025-02-24 at 01:11 +0100, "alois müller" via gnucash-user

    I have a large CSV-File with transactions.
    My problem is, that about 10% of this transaction will not import

    See these 4 examples:

    "2021-06-14","Spar","Karte: 98","4.00","-4.00","Bargeld","Extras"


    "2021-06-14","Spar","Karte: 98","6.00","-6.00","Bargeld","Katzen"

    the FIRST will not import!!




    Why does the importer NOT take the correct debit account as it does
    with the 3 others??
    I have about 30 000 transactions.
    I can impossibly correct all not working transactions manually.
    Please help

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