I would have figured that by now email exploding server publishers have figured 
out kinks for best practices since managing things like bulletin boards in 
early nineties ... Most exploding servers don't rely too much on  message 
headers to tell the truth as much as they do to envelope headers.

Anyways, when Derek mentioned forwarding messages I took it as like my email 
address resides with Yahoo, setup a rule on Yahoo to forward messages to 
Google, and I am retrieving messages from Google and possibly replying back to 
it via Google. I don’t do that either. But I have observed even in that case it 
also re-writes headers correctly so they do not get tagged as spam.

Anyways it is time to move on to more important causes ...  

-----Original Message-----
From: gnuc...@4forl1st5.slmail.me <gnuc...@4forl1st5.slmail.me> 
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2025 7:23 PM
To: gnucash-user@gnucash.org
Cc: Kalpesh Patel <kalpesh.pa...@usa.net>; 'Derek Atkins' <de...@ihtfp.com>
Subject: Re: [GNC] [Possible phishing attempt] Re: mail server changes to 
GnuCash list

On Thursday, February 20th, 2025 at 00:15, Kevin Buckley via gnucash-user 
<gnucash-user@gnucash.org> wrote:
> One way around this is to have the list server, or some intermediate 
> MTA, "munge" the From field into something like
> "Kalpesh Patel via GnuCash User List" gnucash-user@gnucash.org
> along with adding your original email address into the headers (often 
> into the To header, because many list-servers will de-dupe outgoing 
> addresses to stop you getting a list copy as well) so that a 
> Reply-to-all will still go back to you, as well as the list.
> That appraoach can, of course, make the From field look "a bit messy" 
> but it does defeat this particular anti-phishing check.
> HTH (as well as hoping I have that, mostly, correct)

and, funnily enough, my Reply-To-All email, back to the list, which I have just 
received a copy of, HAS been sent out so that it appears to come from 

  Kevin Buckley via gnucash-user <gnucash-user@gnucash.org>

so maybe it's only some "new to the list server" emails that don't have the 
munging applied, as they are exploded back out?

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