Hi Stan - I know this is a GC mailing list and not an accounting one. This
is simply my best way to learn something and get helpful information. If
these kinds of questions are OT here, then please excuse me and I'll search
somewhere else for information.

Thanks to everyone replying to my initial question, even though I didn't
reply to every single email in this thread.



Am So., 29. Sept. 2024 um 01:06 Uhr schrieb Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) <

> On 2024-09-28 14:07, Boniforti Flavio wrote:
> > I would enter it as follows (let's assume the real estate total cost is
> > 500k):
> >
> > Assets:Fixed Assets:Real Estate - increase 300k
> > Liabilities:Loans:Mortgage Loans: - increase 300k
> > Assets:Fixed Assets:Real Estate - increase 150k (downpayment)
> > Assets:Current Assets:Checking Account - decrease 150k (downpayment)
> > Assets:Fixed Assets:Real Estate - increase 50k (reservation)
> > Assets:Current Assets:Checking Account - decrease 50k (reservation)
> You do realize this is an accounting question, not a GnuCash question,
> right? But there is a GnuCash feature you may not be aware of.
> I'm not sure why you are contemplating three transactions with a total
> of six splits, when it's all logically one transaction. You wouldn't be
> getting this mortgage if you weren't buying this property, or buying
> this property without this mortgage or "reservation" (a Swiss
> real-estate term I don't know). I believe that entering them as one
> transaction would be more logical, and faster too:
> Assets...Real Estate: increase (debit) 500K (property value)
> Liabilities...Mortgage Loans: increase (credit) 300K
> Assets...Checking Account: decrease (credit) 150K (down payment)
> Assets...Checking Account: decrease (credit) 50K (reservation)
> If you're doing this in an account register, you may need to click the
> Split button at the top to open enough fields to make this entry.
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
> https://BrownMath.com/
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