The location of saved config values, saved reports, and other such items is
O/S specific.  Those need to be moved separate from the main file(s) that
holds/hold you accounting book(s).

I don't know the wiki location that references the various O/S locations.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2024, 03:12 Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> If nobody minds, could I butt in?
> This thread is sort of about the same problem I have but I have received
> no reply to my recent post about it.
> Am I to assume from the messages here that there is no easy way to
> transfer working files to another location, or, as in my case, to
> another PC, following an upgrade?
> Sorry again, I am not unaware of computing, but my knowledge is 'old'
> and, from my experience of GNU support it would seem I am not nerdy
> enough.....
> Finbar
> On 11/08/2024 11:03, sunfish62--- via gnucash-user wrote:
> > David,
> >
> > I agree. Additionally, there are many different ways to remedy the
> situation-- as noted by others in the thread (omitting log files for
> backup, for example).
> >
> > Moreover, it doesn't take a huge effort to work out your own solution.
> I, for example, took a half hour and threw together the following
> powershell script that will move all such items in the current directory
> into a folder named "backup":
> >
> > $backupfolder = "./backup/"
> > $filelist = Get-ChildItem |Where-Object {$_.basename -match
> 'gnucash.[0-9_]'}
> > move-item -path $filelist -destination $backupfolder
> >
> > This can be placed in a powershell file (e.g., "movelog.ps1") and run
> from your gnucash folder. Note that I didn't put any error checks in; it
> simply moves any file that has "gnucash.###" in its name to that backup
> location. My tests showed it worked for me. It would not be hugely
> difficult to add tests and configurations to allow broader use, but I'm not
> that interested in the issue.
> >
> > A similar approach could be taken on Linux and MacOs. The user can then
> either run this as they remember, or set it to run at a regular time.
> >
> > ⁣David T. ​
> >
> > On Aug 11, 2024, 6:29 AM, at 6:29 AM, David Cousens<
>>  wrote:
> >> Richard I would suspect the main reason that this feature request has
> >> never been implemented is that it lies at the interface of GnuCash with
> >> the Windows/Linux/MacOSX operating systems and has to work seamlessly
> >> on all of them. That requires a level of both code and multiple OS
> >> familiarity that few of us posess and those that do generally have more
> >> pressing problems to address.
> >> On Sat, 2024-08-10 at 11:45 -0500, R Losey wrote:
> >>> I haven't done a lot of customization with my GnuCash system.
> >>>
> >>> My data file - MyData.gnucash is in the same directory as what I call
> >>> the
> >>> "working" files -- the MyData.gnucash.<timestamp>.gnucash and the
> >>> MyData.gnucash.<timestamp>.log files.
> >>>
> >>> Is there some way that these working files can be created in a
> >>> separate
> >>> directory?
> >>>
> >>> I am backing up the GnuCash data directory, but in reality, all I
> >>> really
> >>> need to backup is my GnuCash file - all of these working files are
> >>> just
> >>> taking up space on the backup media.
> >>>
> >>> Note: I have GnuCash set to trim the files after a certain number of
> >>> days,
> >>> but the files are (naturally) not deleted from the backup material,
> >>> so it
> >>> has files back to when I started the backup.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks!
> >>>
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