Yes, you may be correct, seems likely, but, I was in the middle of a session on gnucash and had entered quite a number of transactions before the message appeared, which led to my OP.

I may have had finger problems, but, as I said the number of GNU files makes it difficult to focus in.

Thanks for the advice, Barry

On 27/08/2023 00:57, R Losey wrote:
The "You don't have rights" message usually means that either the file or folder does not have the permissions you'll need (I assume you know whether or not you're out of space, and that you are not out of space). This error is common when one user is trying to write files to a  different user's directory -- most operating systems try to prevent this, and your answers to the questions people asked indicate that you ran GnuCash as two different users. One user may have read access to the files, but not write access.  In that way, you'd go along merrily until the Auto-save kicked in and then you'd see that error.

You can check the rights on a file (or folder) by right-clicking on it and selecting "Properties" and then looking at the permissions tab. (note: I'm not at a windows computer, so I'm going by memory, and I may be incorrect).

It was your answers to questions that started all the Q&A - based on your posts, it appeared that you were opening backup files instead of the main file.

I also assume that you are using GnuCash more-or-less as it came (that is, you did change it to save to a database - you are  still saving to a file named "<something>.gnucash".

On Sat, Aug 26, 2023 at 11:02 AM Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user <> wrote:

    I'd say you are almost certainly right, Adrian, but.....

    There I was, sailing along at my usual boring, routine, data entry to
    gnucash, as I have done since 2019.

    On entering a transaction I got the message I have copied several
    that I don't have rights or space to save the transaction, never
    saw it

    Put a question on here and a long series of q&a ensued.

    I just needed a simple a - what is the meaning of the message? can
    I 'go
    back' to eliminate it? can I delete the entry? can I close down
    and restart with a new transaction, etc.

    Things like you have two users on the same files, was news to me.

    As time went by and the q&a got more complicated I lost the
    sequence of
    where we were, plus issues with trying to send page images.

    Finally, I found myself with a 2022 gnucash file, and nothing
    else, in
    my administrato folder. BUT, whenever I tried to save that file,
    just so
    I could get on with my accounts, I got the same 'you need rights'

    A long way around, but no solution.

    The help and advice I have had is terrific, but increasingly
    I wouldn't say I am an expert in accounting, I have a long history in
    IT, but not specifically in GNU.

    The one thing that has created the confusion for me is the
    array of files associated with my, in my mind, simple, accounting
    I was not, and still am not familiar with the numerous files on
    the same
    date and time, what is the difference between 'backups' 'logs' and
    last file I was working on. I appreciate the need to have security
    in an
    accounting software, but not the range of files.

    Longwinded? yes.

    Can I recover my situation in time for my tax return date of mid
    November? I think I should delete everything and reload gnucash anew,
    create 2022 and 2023 from my paper files and send the result for
    2022 to
    the taxman, (or woman in these liberated days)??

    For those who get long strings of posts on the same topic, sorry for
    boring you.


    On 26/08/2023 09:03, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
    > Dimes to Dollars the permissions issue was that Barry was accessing
    > the file as one user (Barry Mahon) but it was saved in the tree of
    > another. (administrato)
    > Regards,
    > Adrien
    > On 8/25/23 6:30 PM, Maf. King wrote:
    >> I've just had a thought on a possible reason the original file
    >> not be
    >> saved.  I may be barking up the wrong tree.....
    >> Does Win have a maximum length for a filename?
    >> If Barry (OP) has been repeatedly opening and working on
    backups and
    >> backups
    >> of backups etc.., is it possible that repeated time-stamps have
    >> some sort
    >> of string-length limit (either in Win, GC, Gnome-libs or whatever
    >> layer)??
    >> Last time I was actively using MS for anything regularly, the
    >> filename length
    >> limit was 8+3 ... so I'll defer to pretty much anyone's opinion
    on this!
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