* On 2020 08 Mar 20:13 -0500, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> > On Mar 8, 2020 w11d68, at 6:09 PM, Nate Bargmann <n...@n0nb.us>
> > wrote:
> > 
> > * On 2020 08 Mar 17:45 -0500, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> >> There’s no reason you can’t reconcile the transfers. You can even
> >> do them separately if you like, though Stephen’s method of just
> >> marking them clear as you go is probably better and simpler.
> > 
> > I'm not quite understanding how that would work as they don't show
> > on the monthly bank statement.  The subaccounts are strictly for my
> > own internal book keeping and the bank is unaware of them.
> Yes, but you are aware of them. There’s no magic rule that says you
> can only reconcile what appears on the statement. What you are
> reconciling is how you arrived at a particular balance from a starting
> point. Now, for the real-world transactions, those will match the bank
> statement. But for your ‘virtual’ transactions, you can safely
> reconcile them at any point, independently or as part of a regular
> reconciliation, because they are your own creation. Only you know if
> they are correct or not.

Rather, I would like to see a filter like the Account Report where
transactions to/from child accounts are ignored.

> You might make it easier to ’see’ them in the reconciliation dialog by
> giving them some common description.

All start with the word "Transfer" so that is my clue.

> > 
> >> I don’t see why a deposit between Income and Checking along with
> >> extra splits between Checking and Checking:A, would generate two
> >> separate transactions. It should be one transaction with 4 splits.
> > 
> > Well, what I am after is that when I see a transaction on the bank
> > statement of XXX amount that I also want to look at my ledger and
> > see XXX amount without having to search through a number of
> > transactions.
> If you are marking them as cleared as you make them, they’ll appear
> with green checks in the dialog. You can just skip over them. You’re
> then looking for real-world transactions that don’t have green check
> marks.

My check marks are all black--3.8 on Debian Testing.

I tried checking them as cleared and they then will either show as
Income or Expense.  Also the balance wasn't anywhere close to 0--it was
way off one way or the other--so I'd no idea if I was truly balancing or
not.  After I went through and remarked them from c to n in the account
register could I properly run the reconciliation and found a second
entry error!

Anyway, I'll keep doing what I'm doing and watch the reconciliation list
grow longer each month.  Otherwise, this is too difficult to describe in
detail here.

I just ran some quarterly transaction reports and after a small learning
curve I got exactly what I wanted with them.


- Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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