Hi John,

Trying to understand your suggestion. Questions below:

On 2011-01-08, at 17:16, John Ralls wrote:

> […]
> Maybe instead you could create a fake-master branch off of master in your 
> git-svn repo and tie fake-master to github's master.

You mean:

[git-svn master] git checkout -b fake-master remotes/github/master

> Then you can 
> git svn rebase master

This is to fetch new revisions from SVN and rebase any local work in master on 
top of that, right?

> git checkout fake-master
> git merge master
> git pull --rebase github fake-master

I don’t get this one. The repo up on GitHub is not supposed to see fake-master, 
right? So why are we pulling fake-master from GitHub?

> git push github fake-master

Corollary of the above, why are we pushing fake-master to GitHub?

> git checkout master
> git merge fake-master
> git dcommit
> (In a script, of course).
> That way we can keep our throwaway branches to ourselves, the github repo 
> will look reasonable, and you don't have to do a bunch of hand merging and 
> branch deleting.

I have to admit I tried out the throwaway branch approach and found it pretty 
simple, except for the part where the contributor has a dangling reference to 
the remote branch after the remote branch has been deleted. Oh well. Would like 
to understand and try your approach as well.



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