See comment below prefixed by [Phil]

I used to be a hypochondriac AND a kleptomaniac. So I took something for it.

From: Derek Atkins <>
To: Yawar Amin <>
Cc: gnucash-devel gnucash <>
Sent: Mon, January 3, 2011 11:53:51 AM
Subject: Re: Public Git repo

Yawar Amin <> writes:

> Compared to SVN: topic/feature/bugfix branches. For example look at
> [2] and notice how each bug I’ve worked on has been in a separate Git
> branch. That history has been squished flat by SVN, but Git remembers
> the branchy development. 

Is remembering the 'branchy development' really a requirement here?  SVN
certainly supports feature and bugfix branches, and we've certainly used
it that way.  It does have a problem that you cannot really merge
multiple times, so you have to worry about multiple merges from a branch
back to trunk.

[Phil] Is this still true with SVN 1.5 and 1.6.  I know that somewhere in 
they improved merging and how merges were recorded, so these problems might 
gone away.
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