Yawar Amin <yawar.a...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Derek,
> On 2011-01-03, at 11:53, Derek Atkins wrote:
>>> […]
>> Apparently there are also issues with importing branches and tags
>> appropriately, as per John's other email.
> There is an issue in that git-svn imports branches and tags as remote
> refs (roughly, pointers to the head of a branch). But I’m fairly sure
> I can work around that. I’m running an import right now, following the
> instructions in [1]. I’ll write up a description when I’m sure it
> works.

Okay, so it's a peculiarity of git-svn, not a problem with svn itself.

>>> […]
>> Do we really have a synchronization problem?  What exactly do you mean
>> by that?
> This is something only git-svn users experience. Cloning a large
> remote SVN repository in Git is a long operation. Committing back to
> SVN is also a little tricky in certain situations. A gatekeeper would
> move all that to one point, giving Git users a Git repo that ‘just
> works’. It would collect all Git users’ work. Then someone comfortable
> with the way git-svn works could commit all the collected work into
> the SVN trunk or other branches.

Similarly, this is also a peculiarity of git-svn and not a problem with
svn itself.

>>> […]
>> […]
>> After we get some experience with git and
>> after we'd figured out the proper incantations to completely migrate
>> from svn, then we should *not* work from the gatekeeper repo but instead
>> we should start with a fresh "Master" repo off SVN and make that the
>> "official" repo.
> Sure, that’s not a problem. You’ll probably want to do it though, on
> the machine that physically stores the SVN repo, because it is a long
> and bandwidth-intensive operation.

Sure.  If we do decide to move over to git then I'm happy to do the
final conversion locally.  That's why I was asking that good notes be
taken so the process could be repeated.

>>> […]
>> Is remembering the 'branchy development' really a requirement here?  SVN
>> certainly supports feature and bugfix branches, and we've certainly used
>> it that way.  It does have a problem that you cannot really merge
>> multiple times, so you have to worry about multiple merges from a branch
>> back to trunk.
> Multiple merges (or rebases for people doing private work) would
> certainly be very convenient in certain situations.

Of course, but I thought svn-1.6 handles this better?

>>> […]
>> Here's where I have to question:  does this experimentation have to
>> happen in a way that is easily publically published?  In what way does
>> the status quo not allow this?
> That’s a good point. I guess it comes down to how comfortable you are
> with creating and maintaining (i.e. periodically merging in the latest
> changes from trunk) multiple branches in SVN versus in Git. I find Git
> easier, especially the maintaining part.

Sure.  Here's where I have to admit that I've never actually used git.
(Actually, that's not completely true -- I've ran git a couple time to
checkout some code, but the command was copied from the web and run only
once).  Git has been on my list of things I need to look at once I have
the time, but like most everyone it's hard to find that time.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warl...@mit.edu                        PGP key available
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