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Dear developers,

I'd like to have a short discussion about the planned 2.0.0 release
date, and which prerequisites have to be fulfilled so that we can
actually make that release.

The Goal of 2.0.0 as written on
http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Release_Schedule was as follows: "For the
first 2.0.0 release the plan is to finish porting those parts of gnucash
that have already been started (i.e. new windowing system, account tree,
commodities tree, etc.), but not to port any additional features unless
absolutely required." Seems like we pretty much achieved this goal,
didn't we? Great work, everyone!

So now we should discuss the last specific issues that need to be
resolved before we can release 2.0.0. In other words, which "blockers"
do we need to resolve before 2.0.0? It is probably most suitable simply
record them as "blocker" in bugzilla.
http://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=GnuCash currently lists
only one blocker. I'd like to ask everyone to go through the other
(critical, major, normal) bugs and look for ones that *must* be resolved
before 2.0.0. Then mark those as a blocker -- if others think those are
not a blocker for 2.0.0, we can discuss that directly in bugzilla. For
example, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=332251 is probably a
blocker as well.

Additionally, we should think a little bit about the newly introduced
features and whether they are ready for showtime already. Specifically,
are the "budgeting"-related features really working good enough? If they
are not, then we should probably disable the respective menu/toolbar
items and re-enable slightly later. I don't know the budgeting code and
features; I only know the new mt940 importer. That one has reportedly
been tested and is simple enough so that I would claim it is ready for
2.0.0. Any thoughts about the various other new features?

Because *if* there are only 1-3 blocker issues left right now, IMHO we
will be able to actually make the 2.0.0 release on May 14th, which is
just over two weeks from now! If we decide to do this, we should already
announce that plan in the upcoming 1.9.6-announcement. And those of use
who are not working on those last blockers can spend some time on the
necessary PR work... like, trying to update www.gnucash.org, preparing a
2.0.0 press release http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Announcement_2.0.0 ,
and so on...

I think we can do it! Eventually gnucash2 is coming! Thanks everyone for
your hard work! Yesss!

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