Dave Peticolas wrote:

> > I have some large QIF files that I imported to GnuCash, and they worked great
> > .
> > The only thing I noticed is when I now run GnuCash, it takes about 15 to 20
> > seconds to display any type of activity that I actually ran the application.
> > Maybe a splash screen with a percentage bar or something like that to show th
> > at
> > something is actually is working.
> That's a good idea. In the meantime, you can go to the Preferences
> dialog to the "Register" Section and uncheck "show all transactions".
> Then your regsters will only show about 30 of the most recent transactions.
> It's much faster if you just need to add a few at the end.

I tried that, it seems to have made the double-click to open the account much
faster.  However, it didn't have any effect on the initial startup.


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