> Dave Peticolas wrote:
> > The file gnucash/lib/Makefile.in redefines the dist:
> > rule. Does anyone know why that was done? The comments
> > say it solves problems that 'naive' builders are having.
> >
> I recently downloaded the recent version 1.3.0.  I use the Slackware 7
> dist.  When I try to compile the KDE version, I received a whole bunch of
> compiling errors (see below).  I then tried the GTK version, and had no
> problem compiling.
The qt version is not finished.

> One odd thing I found was when I was reconciling, after selecting the
> reconcile account the dialog appears, if I need to add another entry such as
> interest or a missed entry, after entering the item in the register, the
> reconcile dialog doesn't show the newly added item- I have to close out the
> dialog and redo the reconile.   Can a refresh button be added or a recheck
> when the reconcile dialog becomes active.
It's supposed to refresh. Are you sure it didn't get added down at the
bottom of one of the lists?

> Also, on the reconcile credit card dialog, can an entry for Finance Chage
> be added? The entry would automatically add itself to the credit card acct,
> and automatically be checked.
Yeah, that's a good idea.

> Are automated entries on the To Do list?  (for example, this payment happens
> monthly, or receive this deposit weekly.)
They are.

> Is there a method where when you enter the item (ie. Dr.Quacker), it recalls
> what the last category used for that item  (ie. Dr. Quacker -> Medical)
> would automatically be entered or selected.
Not yet, but that is planned, too.


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