Great work team,

I just tried 1.3.1 last night (the Gnome version) and I must
say I was impressed. I may try to compile it for
Solaris/Gnome today.

I'm writing cause I have a couple of questions:

- I tried importing a QIF file generated by moneydance and it
  didn't work that well. Although the dates are now okay
  (previons versions wouldn't even read the dates), the
  currencies where lost in the process it seems (I have CAD
  and USD accounts). The numbers are awfully wrong but I'm
  still not too sure why. Do you know if anything in the QIF
  import module that would change the balance of an account
  that way?

- Do you guys have any plans to setup reminders. I like that
  feature of moneydance and I'd be happy to see it in

- Finally, to change an account type, I guess the only way
  would be to vi the QIF file before importing it right?
  Since moneydance only supports Bank, Income and Expense,
  I'll have a couple of types to change to Stock or Mutual

Thanks and keep up the great work!

Charles Gagnon                   | My views are my views and they
Collective Technologies          | do not represent those of anybody
a Pencom Company                 | but me.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            |

   Don't sweat the petty things and Don't pet the sweaty things.
        -- Dennis Miller

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