> In one message or another, Dave Peticolas said something like this:
> >The new guile reports on the extensions menu?
> >Do all the reports generate this behavior?
> hey Dave, I've tried all three.. "Dummy" works fine.. the other two
> fail (see below)..
> >What is the error message?
> >Do any of the .scm files fail to load?
> running it from the command line "Balance Sheet" generates :
>   ERROR: In procedure string-length in expression (string-length s):
>   ERROR: Wrong type argument in position 1: #f

You have slib 2c5 installed. You need slib2c6. If you are running
RedHat, you also need to change the 'slib' link in the guile directory
to point to the slib2c6 installation and not umb-scheme.


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