Christopher Browne writes:
> This is a true fact, and suggests that GnuCash could perhaps be a candidate
> for use with CDB <>, a highly robust
> hash table scheme that provides fast lookups *but only one value per key.*
And fast, atomic updates. On a decent server, I've updated a
two-hundred-megabyte CDB in under 90 seconds. "updated" means that I
removed a few thousand records. While the update was occurring, the
database was still accessible for probes.
# given a list of email addresses, remove them from our database.
# put all of stdin into a hash.
while(<>) { chomp; $in{$_} = ""; }
open(DBO, "|cdbmake data/db.cdb data/db.$$") or die "cdbmake: $!\n";
open(DBI, "cdbdump <data/db.cdb|") or die "cdbdump: $!\n";
while(<DBI>) {
next if (($length) = m/^\+(\d+),\d+:/) && exists($in{substr($', 0, $length)});
print DBO;
close(DBI) or die "cdbdump close: $!\n";
close(DBO) or die "cdbmake close: $!\n";
-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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