considering that not everyone was okay with the UI freeze break, and
that now even the string freeze passed, I guess that it's fine to skip
the 3.36 release.
If we manage to include the gnome-control-center patch right after the
3.36 release it would be really good.

In GNOME 3.36 the USB protection could still be enabled using d-bus
(so only power users will do it) but hopefully this should be enough
to gather even more feedback from real user experience. And if
everything goes as planned we will be able to enable the lock screen
protection by default in 3.38.


On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 10:41 AM Javier Jardón <jjar...@gnome.org> wrote:
> 1/2 for release team
> On Thu, 13 Feb 2020, 17:44 Tobias Mueller, <tobias...@gnome.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Wed, 2020-02-12 at 15:57 -0600, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
>> > Hm, I'm not going to give +1 myself because I just found a typo in
>> > the
>> > new string, and we are very close to string freeze.
>> Thanks for correcting! :)
>> I don't know what you're making making out of the fact that you've found
>> a typo, though. The string has been there since the first version of the
>> patch from over a year ago. And it has been reviewed as it was twice, at
>> least. But not from a native speaker.
>> To me, your sentence sounds a bit like the typo is a result of rushing a
>> string into the patch. That is not the case.
>> >  We had six months
>> > to land this and it seems pretty late to be adding new UI toggles.
>> >
>> Yeah, I see that argument.
>> For better or worse: The new switch will only be shown if a recent
>> enough USBGuard is installed and running. I predict that the combination
>> is quite niche.
>> Cheers,
>>   Tobi
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