
On Wed, 2020-02-12 at 15:57 -0600, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
> Hm, I'm not going to give +1 myself because I just found a typo in
> the 
> new string, and we are very close to string freeze.
Thanks for correcting! :)

I don't know what you're making making out of the fact that you've found
a typo, though. The string has been there since the first version of the
patch from over a year ago. And it has been reviewed as it was twice, at
least. But not from a native speaker.
To me, your sentence sounds a bit like the typo is a result of rushing a
string into the patch. That is not the case.

>  We had six months 
> to land this and it seems pretty late to be adding new UI toggles.
Yeah, I see that argument.
For better or worse: The new switch will only be shown if a recent
enough USBGuard is installed and running. I predict that the combination
is quite niche.


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