As a maintainer, I agree with the patch and the freeze break. This
is an important improvement on the privacy front, and the actual
functionality already landed in gnome-settings-daemon. This patch
is limited to the UI side of it.

Also, it was my fault for not responding to this merge request in a
timely manner, so I wish this can be compensated before the 3.36

At last, I suggest we should coordinate and prepare a blog post about
it, and loop the Engagement Team in to spread the word about it.

With respect,

Em qua., 12 de fev. de 2020 às 18:29, Tobias Mueller <>

> Hi,
> I am asking for a freeze break for having this patch merged:
> It adds a new switch to the control centre and two (2) new strings to be
> translated.
> The patch has already been reviewed and approved, but I guess it was bad
> timing so it didn't make it in before the freeze.
> The patch is attached for convenience.
> Thanks,
>   Tobi
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