2016-08-10 18:50 GMT+02:00 Rafael Fontenelle <rafae...@gnome.org>:
> How about a online string search in GNOME localization? I often have to
> update my local collection of GNOME Git repository of of translate-able
> modules in order to run my personal grep-based script to look for what term
> my team is using for a give term, and in what context. Such online string
> search feature, filtering by a team and/or branch, could be used eliminate
> problem of diverging translations for languages. If possible, generate a
> Translation Memory as well.
> I'm not a developer, just sharing with the community one idea that came to
> my mind.

Transvision is a fantastic project from Mozilla that does exactly what
you describe. It would be very useful for GNOME translators if ported
to gettext and our infrastructure. It would require an interested
developer first, of course, so it's just a thought at this point.



Best regards,

Piotr Drąg
gnome-i18n mailing list

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