Sgrìobh Rafael Fontenelle na leanas 10/08/2016 aig 18:50:
> 2016-08-06 17:45 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Franke <
> <>>:
>     Hi,
>     GUADEC is coming soon and as usual we'll have the team reports there.
>     Is anyone volunteering to present? If nobody else wants to do it, I'll
>     do it. In any case, let me know of any highligh and interesting
>     development you can think of for the past year, so that we can share
>     them with the rest of the community!
> How about a online string search in GNOME localization? I often have to
> update my local collection of GNOME Git repository of of translate-able
> modules in order to run my personal grep-based script to look for what
> term my team is using for a give term, and in what context. Such online
> string search feature, filtering by a team and/or branch, could be used
> eliminate problem of diverging translations for languages. If possible,
> generate a Translation Memory as well.
> I'm not a developer, just sharing with the community one idea that came
> to my mind.

Yes, these are good ideas. A glossary function comes to mind as well.

The functions you are describing do remind me of what Pootle can do

I also work with Transifex a lot, but running our own Pottle server
would give us more control, since it's a GPL'ed project.
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