Have no access to my Debian laptop at this momment, and Ubuntu has an older
version of gettext package, but the script I use to upload translations
(ran under Debian Testing) runs an msgfmt check before uploading, and it
didn't shouted any error... don't know why.

Anyway, this syntax error has been present since several years ago, but it
never was a problem (maybe because gettext didn't take care of it). Don't
if it's due a bug in Gtranslator, Damned Lies or where, but I'm sure this
same error will be present in (so much) other PO files.

Joanmarie: To quickly override it for now, please fix it yourself and use
it to create the package.

Any idea about how to determine where this bug is produced and how to fix
it? I'm CC'ing Gtranslator's maintainer as maybe he could give us a hand.


2016-02-17 15:45 GMT+01:00 Anders Jonsson <mailingli...@norsjovallen.se>:

> On 2016-02-17 15:22, Daniel Mustieles García wrote:
> > Hi Joanmarie,
> >
> > From time to time, Launchpad generates this kind of errors with
> > Spanish translations, but GNOME's git doesn't say anything about it,
> > and msgfmt check also says nothing about it.
> >
> > Maybe Launchpad uses an old version osf gettext package or they are
> > having problems with the imported files, but translations pass my
> > local checks properly, and seem to be working on GNOME.
> For what it's worth, I get these results in Debian Testing with gettext
> 0.19.7 which is the latest version as far as I can see:
> $ msgfmt -c es.po
> es.po:13:2: syntax error
> msgfmt: found 1 fatal error
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