
The file you uploaded to Launchpad has two syntax problemas:
1- Line 13, ", 2015."
2- Line 16, ", 2016"

Just move them up, appending to the previous lines (12 and 15) and this
problem is fixed.

For your information, run "msgfmt -cvo /dev/null <filename>.po"  to get
detailed information of statistics (translated, fuzzy, not translated) and
syntax errors in which line.

Rafael Fontenelle

2016-02-17 12:03 GMT-02:00 Joanmarie Diggs <>:

> Hey all.
> I was planning to do the Orca release this morning (yeah, I know it's
> late, sorry!!). But I received this automated notification. Is this
> something we can fix prior to the release?
> --joanie
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: Import problem - Spanish (es) - orca in gnome-orca trunk
> Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 07:13:27 -0000
> From:
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Hello Joanmarie,
> On 2016-02-16 23:20z (7 hours 52 minutes ago), you uploaded a file with
> Spanish (es) translations for orca in gnome-orca trunk to Launchpad.
> We were unable to import the file because of errors in its format:
> Line 13: Invalid content: u', 2015.'
> If you use gettext, you can check your file for correct formatting with
> the 'msgfmt -c' command. Please fix any errors raised by msgfmt and
> upload the file again. If you check the file and you don't find any
> error in it, please look for an answer or file a question at
> For your convenience, you can get the file you uploaded at:
> Thank you,
> The Launchpad team
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