
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 05:35:39PM +0200, Johannes Schmid wrote:
> > For the master branch it doesn't matter, but you have also pushed the 
> > two commits in the 'releases-2-2' branch. This branch is for _releases_ 
> > only. It contains the C code generated, and it's useless to duplicate 
> > commits there... When I want to make a new release, I merge the master 
> > branch into the releases branch.
> > 
> > So please avoid pushing commits elsewhere than the master branch.
> This is completely against the usual workflow for the GNOME release
> process. A releate-x-y (or better gnome-x-y) branch means that this
> branch will be used for the stable x.y.[1,2,3,...] releases and that
> strings are frozen in that branch. This way translators can update their
> translation if they have be incomplete in a minor release.
> The master branch is (usually) not string frozen and contains new
> features, etc. Generated files shouldn't be in git at all - they should
> be in the release tarballs only.
> It would be nice if you could adapt that workflow as it is useful not
> only for translations.

Yes I agree with you. I forgot to mention that there are also 
"latexila-x-y" branches. Currently, there is only the "latexila-2-0" 

But since the C code should not be present in Git, the "releases-x-y" 
branches becomes useless. So, most probably, I'll create a "gnome-2-2" 
branch when the 2.2 version will be released. In the meantime, the 
master branch contains the beta releases (2.1.x).

Best regards,

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